Core Wellness is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment, ensuring the welfare and protection of children and vulnerable adults attending our classes. We uphold statutory responsibilities and adhere to best practices to prevent abuse or neglect. Our commitment extends to all individuals, irrespective of age, ability, disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.
We aim to ensure that regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or socio-economic background, all participants:
- Have a positive and enjoyable experience of exercise & movement in a safe and child-friendly environment.
- Are protected from abuse whilst participating in Core Wellness activities.
As part of our safeguarding policy, we will:
- Promote and prioritise the safety and well-being of all participants and any children accompanying them to class.
- Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and staff are provided with appropriate training to recognise, identify, and respond to signs of abuse, neglect, and other safeguarding concerns.
- Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual(s) who raise or disclose the concern.
- Ensure that confidential, detailed, and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
- Prevent the employment of unsuitable individuals.
- Ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility; staff, instructors, volunteers, and participants have a duty to report any concerns regarding safeguarding.
This policy applies to all staff, instructors, volunteers, and participants involved in Core Wellness exercise classes, including children accompanying their parents to classes. It also extends to the data collected via BookWhen, Stripe, Google Forms, and previous bookings made through Yuup (for bookings prior to 15:00 on 05/02/25).
This policy aims to:
- Outline legislation, our commitment, and procedures for safeguarding adults and children.
- Clarify our responsibilities for safeguarding adults and children within Core Wellness.
- Provide guidance on reporting concerns related to adult or child welfare or well-being.
In practice, Core Wellness will:
- Use safe recruitment practices, including Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks where applicable.
- Ensure all instructors receive specialised training in Dance and Fitness First Aid, and Baby Wearing Peer Support to advise participants on the safe use of baby wearing during classes, minimising risks to infants.
- Appoint a designated safeguarding lead responsible for implementing and overseeing safeguarding measures.
- Communicate this policy to all staff, instructors, volunteers, and participants.
- Enforce a code of conduct and terms and conditions to ensure respectful and safe interactions during classes.
- Ensures all instructors have received safeguarding training.
- Include adult and child safety in risk assessments.
Our practices and values support key legislation and regulatory frameworks for the safeguarding of adults and children in the UK, including, but not limited to:
- Children Act 1989 and 2004
- Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Disclosure & Barring Service 2013
- The Care Act 2014
- The Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Raising and Managing a Concern
Any safeguarding concerns should be raised promptly with our Safeguarding Officer. Concerns can be shared in person at a class, or by email. Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse should be reported to one of our Safeguarding Officers within 24 hours.
We are dedicated to fostering an environment of openness, integrity, and accountability. We encourage everyone to raise any safeguarding concerns without fear of reprisal, knowing that all concerns will be treated seriously and addressed promptly.
To report safeguarding concerns, contact our Safeguarding Officers:
When a concern is raised:
- The Safeguarding Officer will acknowledge receipt of the concern within 24 hours.
- An initial assessment will be conducted to determine the severity and immediate risks.
- Appropriate actions will be taken, including referral to relevant authorities if necessary, or contacting the emergency services if required. Advice may also be sought from the Local Authority Safeguarding Adults/Children’s Team.
- A full record will be made immediately or as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and any other relevant information, including any actions taken, in line with our data privacy policy.
- The concern will be resolved once all necessary actions have been taken and the safety and well-being of the individual(s) are assured.
- The Safeguarding Officer will review the case to identify any lessons learned and make any necessary adjustments to our safeguarding practices.
Recording and Information Sharing
We ensure that any concerns raised via email or in person are promptly documented and securely stored in accordance with GDPR and data protection regulations. This includes maintaining detailed and confidential records to safeguard the privacy and integrity of all individuals involved. Information sharing is conducted securely and responsibly, only with those who need to know, to address the concern.
- Safeguarding Adults Team: 01454 868 007 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), 01454 615 165 (out of hours/weekends)
- Children's Safeguarding: 01454 866 000 (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4.30pm), 01454 615 165 (out of hours/weekends)
- Emergency: call the police on 999
- National 24Hour Freephone Domestic Abuse Helplines: Tel: 0808 2000 247, www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
- Rape Crisis Federation of England and Wales: Email: info@rapecrisis.co.uk, www.rapecrisis.co.uk
- Respond: Tel: 020 7383 0700 or 0808 808 0700 (Helpline), Email: services@respond.org.uk, www.respond.org.uk
- Stop Hate Crime: 24 hours service: Tel: 0800 138 1625, Web Chat: www.stophateuk.org , Email: talk@stophateuk.org , Text: 07717 989 025, Text relay: 18001 0800 138 1625
- Victim Support: Tel: 0808 168 9111, www.victimsupport.org.uk
- Women’s Aid Federation of England and Wales: www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support
- NSPCC: www.nspcc.org.uk, Tel: 0808 800 5000, Email: help@nspcc.org.uk .
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed to reflect changes in legislation, guidance from the Local Safeguarding Board, or any other significant change or event.
Last updated: 05/02/2025